We had to walk about 419 stairs to get to the Giulia Suite (I also liked it because that’s my mother’s name), but we knew that going in, so it wasn’t a problem. We’re young and spry.

We simply sat for a while and just enjoyed the sun and the sound of the water. It was really good to be back here. Really good. D.Rough decided the lemons that were growing on the veranda of our apartment came with the price of renting the apartment, so she decided she'd steal them to make drinks for us. Meanwhile, I secretly checked my phone to figure out what time the sunset was. I had plans that D.Rough didn’t know about.

We headed down to the harbor in Riomaggiore and walked over to the beach. This is my favorite spot in the world. I’m serious. I love the sound of the waves rolling the rocks around. It is the best sound in the world to me.

We sat on the rocks for a while, and I was really frustrated to see some clouds rolling in and almost spoiling our sunset.

We took some funny pictures and just hung out for a while.
Then, I got down on one knee and started crying like an idiot. I finally choked out, “Thank you for coming with me to my favorite place on the whole planet. Since you’re my favorite person in the whole world, will you marry me?” She was crying too, but she said yes. Commence more crying and taking hilarious photos in the dark, trying to get a good photos of the ring. We did pretty well. It’s got a bunch of diamonds and French-cut rubies. We both like it.

We found our way back to the town in the dark, and since D.Rough wanted to make a nice Italian dinner in our apartment, we tried to find a store. However, they were all closed. Except one. A fancy tourist store with exorbitant prices. But it didn’t matter. We grabbed some pesto and some olives and some chocolate and some pasta some wine (and some limoncello) and headed home. Back up the 419 stairs and we fired up the cooktop and found all the dishes we could. D.Rough (my newly crowned fiancé) is an absolutely amazing cook, even when she doesn’t have the home field advantage. She just whips together whatever she thinks of and it is always delicious.
We ate outside on the veranda in the moonlight and it was perfect. I told her I almost didn’t do it because the clouds had rolled in and I wanted it to be perfect, but I couldn’t chance that there would be rain the next night, so I bit the bullet and made it happen. We both laughed and said it was still perfect (which was good because it rained the rest of the trip!!! Hahaha).
We had been collecting photos the whole time, since remember, we still hadn’t told anyone we were going to Italy. We began posting them on Facebook in an album called, “Remember when we went to Italy and didn’t tell anyone?”. We (mainly me) thought we were pretty clever with that. I posted all the best photos and finally the photo of my fiancé and her new ring. Then we started calling family, which took forever since we have large families. I was anxiously awaiting the phone bill I’d have when I got home. Hahahaha.