Thursday, October 28, 2010

Millie’s Deli and Grill – Chanhassen, MN

I was actually headed to lunch at Na’s Thai Café when I got distracted by a place I have driven by and always wanted to eat at. Now was my chance, since I was indecisive anyway today.
I went in and checked it out – a lot of brick and woodwork on the inside, but plenty of 2- and 4-top tables (only two of which were being used). It seemed pretty straight forward – read the board above the deli case and decide which sandwich or soup you’d like.
There were a couple of smaller dry erase boards around the place with different specials and combos on them. I was torn between a turkey and ham club, meatloaf, or pulled bbq pork. I finally caved and went with the bbq pork. It usually comes with coleslaw, but I went with the veggie salad instead, since I’m not a major fan of coleslaw.

I grabbed a seat and within 5 minutes, the lady behind the counter brought out my sandwich. She made sure I had everything I needed and brought what I didn’t. Super helpful. The veggie salad was fine. It’s difficult to screw that up, so thankfully they didn’t. The fries were really quite good. They had some sort of visible seasoning on them, but it wasn’t spicy or anything, just tasty. Very delicious, especially when dipped in the bbq sauce they had brought out for the sandwich.

The sandwich was quite good. The downsides: it was smaller than I had hoped and the bbq sauce wasn’t already mixed in with the meat, you add your own. Which always makes me think it should be called a pulled pork sandwich, not a BBQ pork sandwich. That’s just me though. Even though the sandwich was small, it was still an appropriate size for a lunch sandwich. The meat was quite tasty and tender and no gristle or fat. The BBQ sauce they served with it was warm and really tasty. Not a lot of liquid smoke or anything, and it was really thick like I like it. It was a good sandwich for lunch and made me happy I chose this over Thai food, which I was using as a last resort.

While eating lunch, there was a guy teaching a Hispanic woman the English word for “centipede”. She kept getting it mixed up with “caterpillar”. What’s funny about that is D.Rough just sent me an article about a Mexican Carwash Massacre and thought it should be a movie I’d add to my collection of terrible movies. That conversation was followed up by our friend Rocky talking about Human Centipede. If Hollywood can combine Aliens and Predator, then I think we should expect to see Mexican Human Centipede Carwash Massacre in theaters soon!!! (I can only dream…)

Despite this sandwich being pretty sloppy to eat, I amazed myself by NOT slopping sauce on my shirt at all. Go me. I do however have the smell of bbq sauce underneath my fingernails… mmmmmmm. There’s a lot of things on the menu I still need to try. I’ll go back here again. Great people serving great food.

Top 5 things about Millie’s Deli and Grill
1. BBQ sauce was great AND served warm. AWESOME!
2. Seasoned French fries
3. Super helpful staff
4. Good variety of sandwiches (and breakfast too!)
5. Centipede conversation

Bottom 5 things
1. Small size of sandwich
2. It should just be called a pulled pork sandwich since the BBQ is on the side
3. Didn’t see anything that was actually grilled – weird (they have recently started serving dinner on Friday nights. Maybe they use the grill then.)
4. Stupid Coke products – I just got water rather than drink their stuff. Then I noticed they had dew in cans in the coolers right next to the door
5. Looking at the menu online while writing this, I wish I had gone for breakfast – maybe tomorrow…

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Fitger’s Brewhouse – Duluth, MN

Despite the fact that I don’t like the taste of beer, I’ve never had any issues eating food at brew-pubs. Fitger’s was no different. The brewing of all their microbrews takes place in the basement of this large building which houses shops, restaurants, a night club, and a hotel. The brewhouse makes its beer for the restaurants upstairs and also sells growlers to beer lovers who stop in. D.Rough and I tried to eat here a few months ago when ManJar, D.Rough, and I were in town for a roller derby event. The place does REALLY good business, so we were told it could be an hour and a half to two hours before we got a table. That means it’s good, right? We didn’t stick around that time, but said we’d come back and eat when the wait wasn’t as long.

When we got there this time, we were told 40-45 minutes wait time, which was much more acceptable, especially since you can walk around the shops in the building and check things out in the brewhouse while killing time. … Which we did. We got seated in just under 40 minutes and opted for a table outside since it was a stellar night.

I still had to drive home, so I couldn’t order a handful of scotch and girly drinks, so I went with a cider. Nice and light and seemed appropriate for a crisp fall evening after watching colorful leaves in nature. D.Rough amazed me by ordering a homemade rootbeer from the brewhouse. And when they arrived, I was really jealous of her’s. The rootbeer was delicious.

I was in the mood for a burger, but sadly I’ve been burned out on burgers lately and wanted to give something interesting a shot tonight. I opted for the Artichoke Chicken Sandwich. Why, you ask? Because it’s soooooo close to a choke-the-chicken joke that I couldn’t pass it up. D.Rough got the Philly Steak Sandwich to relive her roller derby tournament days in Philly this summer. She got regular fries with hers and I got the sweet potato fries. We waited around and watched dbags walk past in the leaves. Fun times.

The food showed up a short while later and looked pretty good. The Philly was on a wild rice roll (rice cooked into the bread) with lots of Monterey jack cheese melted all over the meat, onions, mushrooms, and peppers. D.Rough said it was really good, just oniony, even for her. I had a couple bites (without onions) and was really impressed with the quality of meat and flavor. This was a pretty good sandwich. The regular fries were just kind of ok, though. I ate all of the ones that D.Rough didn't, but I still ate way more of the sweet potato fries.

My Artichoke Chicken Sandwich was also good. It’s a grilled chicken breast covered with artichoke dip, lettuce and tomato. The sandwich was a little sloppy, but it ended up being tasty. The chicken was good and the artichoke dip was a much better dip than you’d buy at the grocery store for veggies. My sweet potato fries absolutely killed her regular fries. They were delicious and I think I probably ate more than I was supposed to, since we were sharing. I couldn’t stop eating them though.

The meal wasn’t terribly expensive, even with drinks, and we got out of there at a reasonable hour without being stuffed to the gills or sleepy. Fitger’s Brewhouse is a good restaurant. I don’t think I’d make the trip to Duluth to eat there or anything, but I’d eat there again if we were in that neck of the woods.

Top 5 things about Fitger’s Brewhouse
1. Artichoke Chicken Sandwich
2. Homemade rootbeer
3. Nearby shops to browse while waiting
4. Philly Steak Sandwich
5. Really expansive menu with lots of options

Bottom 5 things
1. Long wait time
2. Regular fries just tasted… uhhh… regular compared to the sweet potato fries
3. The Duluth bar scene appears to be full of dbags after a certain point in the evening
4. Philly sandwich could have utilized fewer onions
5. Trampled By Turtles wasn’t playing that evening – maybe next time

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Date DAY Road Trip – Duluth, MN and Beyond

I’ve got some vacation time saved up and what better reason to use it than to take my lady out of town with a specific intent to relax and take it easy. It started by sleeping amazingly late, which then called into question even hitting the road. We didn’t even have a destination, so we waffled a bit about driving somewhere. We had no plans the next day, so we said, “Screw it!”, and threw some clothes in the car just in case we ended up driving too far and had to stay in a hotel or something along the way.

We thought we’d head north up towards Duluth, where I’ve heard seeing the leaves change colors is absolutely beautiful. We left in the early afternoon, after a quick stop a Nina’s coffee shop – one of D.Rough’s favorites. We headed north and took our time driving. In fact, we stopped by the Black Bear Casino on the way so we could play some slot machines. Literally, like a 20 minute stop and then we left again.

We hit Duluth, knowing full well we were going to go further north than that. It was just a stop-over for a quick bite to eat and then back in the car. We wanted to go to Hell’s Kitchen, but it was strangely closed and may have had a change of ownership or a name change (I will have to investigate further). So we walked down the street to Grandma’s Saloon (touristy, but the food is decent and not terribly expensive). We thought it might be happy hour, and we were right – we have a knack for predicting things like that. We grabbed some wings and onion rings and a couple of girly drinks to tide us over until dinner. Then on the way back to the car, we just HAPPENED to stop by the Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory for a turtle caramel apple… and some chocolate dipped graham crackers…

We stopped along the way and walked down next to the water of Lake Superior. It is absolutely beautiful up this far north this time of year. We took some photos of the lakeshore and had the perfect lighting for some awesome shots. [Side note: D.Rough’s roller derby team won the “Golden Skate” at the 2010 season championships this past year and all of the skaters have been taking it on various road trips and fun events with them. We had the Golden Skate with us on this road trip, so we took some photos with it on the shore.]

We got back in the car and headed north a bit further. There were a couple of really awesome tunnels that we drove through, so I thought that was pretty awesome. We drove past a pretty cool looking stream dumping water right out into Lake Superior, so we decided to stop and check it out. We weren’t in a rush or anything, so we hiked down to the water and checked out how cold it was. Oddly enough, it was very cold (yes, that was sarcasm).
How often do you get to walk in a beautiful stream in the woods – not often enough, I say.
So we took off a couple layers of clothes we didn’t want to get dirty and hopped in the frigid water. D.Rough even saw a giant fish swim by.

And we did freak out another couple that hiked down the hillside to the stream and saw a pile of clothes… They just kept walking further downstream – hahahaha.

We got back in the car and kept going north. We drove past Betty’s Pies, which is a famous pie place in Minnesota and probably worth a stop. We thought we’d hit it on the way back, either tonight or tomorrow, depending on what happened. We had decided we were going to hit up Canada and spend the night… right before we realized we would need passports to complete this plan and neither of us had brought our passports. Sigh… Oh well. We would drive until it got dark and then head back home maybe.

We drove through the awesome town of Castle Danger at one point. We both determined it would be an awesome place to own a summer home. It’s a very quaint little town without a lot going on. Plus, when your friends asked you what you were doing that weekend, you could reply with, “I’m headed to CASTLE DANGER!” in a super creepy ominous voice of doom!!!!.... DOOOM!!!! DOOOOOOOOOMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!

We saw a sign for Gooseberrry Falls, which apparently is some sort of state park on the North Shore. (Also, not at all related to Cap’n Crunch.) It was starting to get dark now, but D.Rough was convinced we could make it… We DID, in fact, make it. But seriously, it was dark at this point. We walked through the woods down to the falls and there were people heading back up the trails with flash lights. We didn’t care – we were still going to see the falls. Once we got down to the falls, we took what photos we could with the point and click camera she brought. D.Rough tried a couple settings and ended up with a shutter speed slow enough to almost make out the falls in the picture. Here is what it looks like without a flash - I TOLD you it was dark. I have NO idea how D.Rough's photo turned out as good as it did in the darkness.
We then took a couple photos with the flash that ended us blinding us on the super slippery rocks. Once we actually saw how slimy and slippery the rocks were in the pitch black, we started getting a little more reserved about leaping over what we first thought were small puddles or streams. They weren’t small at all.

At one point while we were walking around in the dark, there was a pair of people (husband and wife maybe?) walking around with a flashlight. One of them went down hard into one of the streams and we sort of stuck around to make sure they didn’t need help back to the top. Thankfully they didn’t. We stuck around for another 15 or 20 minutes after they left to see if a ranger would eventually come down and check out the falls for stragglers. It never happened. On the way back, we got a little bit turned around in the dark (whoops!), but we eventually made it back to our car. Really, it was quite a fun trip to the falls. We both now wonder what the falls look like in the daylight.

Since there wasn’t much point in heading further north, due to our lack of passports, we headed back south for home. We pulled into Betty’s Pies for a fantastic dinner RIGHT as they were kicking people out and closing down for the night. It was awful – you get your hopes up for world famous pies (well, SOME of the people in the car had their hopes up higher than others), and then those hopes are dashed on the rocks. We decided we’d eat at Fitger’s in Duluth. Fitger’s is a brew-pub in an old hotel-type building with some shops and restaurants in it. We meant to eat there earlier this year when we were in town for roller derby with ManJar, but we couldn’t get a table without waiting for 2 hours. So we thought we’d check it out since we had time to kill. I’ll post that review separately from this, but dinner was decent here.

We ended up getting home about midnight from our little adventure. It was really nice to get away and not be on a schedule and not have to answer to anybody, especially work. I have a feeling we’ll be doing this again sometime soon. Hopefully, it will involve an actual trip – with passports – to Canada so we can witness their crazy metric system first-hand!

Top 5 things about Date Day Road Trip
1. No work. No schedule. No pressure.
2. It’s beautiful countryside
3. Gooseberry Falls (even in the pitch black)
4. Super cold stream on the side of the road
5. Beautiful photos of the lake shore

Bottom 5 things
1. Betty’s Pies shot us down
2. We all know what cold water does…
3. It gets dark earlier, so we couldn’t see as many leaves as we’d have liked
4. Forgot our passports
5. Black Bear Casino would NOT let us take photos of the Golden Skate in the casino. Sadface.

Taco Bell’s XXL Chalupa – Eden Prairie, MN

I wasn’t sure what to expect with this new menu item from Taco Bell. I do love to try their new creations, but I’ve been working on staying out of the XXL shirt size range as of late… hahahaha. Ah, screw it – it’s time to get one.

The XXL Chalupa is about double what a regular Chalupa would cost you, so I don’t have any problems there. This thing comes in its own special cardboard food container due to its size – it really is the size of two chalupas. Plus, the box says something borderline (get it? Border-line?) dirty on the side of it that I’m assuming was changed at the last minute when they realized they could put “Big Things Come in Bog Boxes” on a fast food package.
It has most of the same ingredients as the standard chalupa, but it does contain three different cheese (according to the website) and some crispy tortilla strips on it as well. I was half worried the tortilla strips would chop into my mouth, but they really ended up being a texture-enhancer and not a cap’m-crunch-level mouth destroyer.

The shell is an oversized chalupa shell – that delicious crispy but chewy shell that I’ve decided all foods need to be served in. Venison chalupa? Yes, please. Chicken Alfredo Chalupa? Yes, please. Caesar Salad Chalupa? Definitely. Caramello Chalupa? Sure, why not? The shell is delicious, but structurally, it had one major issue. It’s folded up at both ends, so you’ve got a sort of shell-boat. This may not seem like a big deal, but the first bite from either end is actually difficult. It’s too small to take just a corner off, but it’s too large to fit the entire end in your mouth. This was really my only major downside to this thing.

Overall, the XXL Chalupa is delicious and not unlike eating two standard chalupas. Clearly, I would get this again, without question – maybe today for lunch, in fact. As usual, the thing could have been improved with bacon, but it’s really good the way it is. No complaints, TB people.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Carne Asada Bake at Costco – Eden Prairie, MN

TheDoctor had told me about this new item Costco was promoting in their cafeteria. He and I have shared a lot of cheap lunches at Costco in the past, so he knew I’d be game, no matter what. I had eaten the other chicken bake thing and it was decent, so I knew this would likely be tolerable at the very least.

The thing is a REALLY large pastry filled with carne asada, tomatoes, onions, and guacamole. I think normally, these things are more substantially constructed than mine was, but mine pretty much had the side blown out of it – like a whale you let sit in the sun too long and it blows up – I apparently read too much.

I was a little underwhelemed to be honest with you. I didn’t hit guacamole until about halfway through this thing and the onions were pretty overpowering (I’m also not a fan of onions at all, so that didn’t help). The pastry was a little soggy which likely explained the meat escape. It is completely impossible to eat this thing like a burrito. You HAVE to eat it with a fork. Maybe one fresh out of the oven would stand up to manhandling, but this flimsy version would not.

It’s a decent sandwich-type thing. Not stellar, and certainly not nearly as cheap as a polish and a soda. But I’d maybe eat it again if I were in the right mood. …And had more than three dollars on my person… hahahaha.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Awesome Date Night (Grand Slam Sports) – Coon Rapids, MN

I’m wordy on this one, just a warning…

D.Rough wanted an adventure. I wasn’t quite sure what that meant, but when she sent me the link to Grand Slam Sports, I figured it out pretty quickly. She wanted to reinforce that she’s a better athlete than me and continue her reign as champion of the world. Heck, why not? She’d had some heavy stuff going on and smashing and crashing things usually clears her head a bit – that’s why people play roller derby, right?

I drove over after work to pick her up and because she’s one of the most thoughtful ladies in the world, she met me with a smile and a plate of food. Toasty-dogs and Potato Smiles. If you are unfamiliar with these items, it’s only because you’re not four nor have a four-year-old at home. D.Rough occasionally IS four, so it’s OK! Toasty dogs are hot dogs wrapped up in a piece of toast and potato smiles are preformed frozen potato snacks in the shape of a creepy smiley face. I told you she was thoughtful. (And I think she was trying to slow me down to secure her victory that evening.)

We got to Grand Slam after what seemed like hours of driving (it’s FAR north of the Twin Cities – like 10 minutes), and I was actually really excited to have fun outlet for all of my rage (well, I guess I don’t have THAT much rage, but driving behind idiots quickly enrages me). The place was almost deserted. There were three high school age workers there and two ladies in the batting cage. That’s it. A huge warehouse of a building, all for four customers. This was going to be awesome. We bought the package deal that let us do a bunch of stuff and we set out to do some damage.

We started with mini-golf/putt-putt/pee-wee golf (whatever you Minnesotans call it up here – just decide on one already). This, I KNEW, was going to be my strong event. TheDoctor always claims I defy the laws of Newtonian physics on the golf course, and this is my secret – I’m used to banking shots and avoiding waterfalls and clown heads. Things were about to get real in Grand Slam Castle.

Sometimes D.Rough likes to play turtle polo. It isn’t shown on ESPN very much though.

D.Rough wowwed me early out of the gate, however, like the turtle she was riding in the previous photo (and like Coach’s grandma always says), slow and steady wins the race. I pretty much dominated. Look for that to be the last time I say that. (I will however mention to D.Rough’s uncle who told me that she can not be beat at any sport, that mini-golf IS a sport and I DID beat her – here’s the scorecard to prove it – now on my refrigerator…)Why yes, that IS two holes-in-one right in a row. I'm a pretty big deal.

I took a victory lap and rubbed it in (I’m a sore winner), and we headed over to the bumper cars – or Crazy Cars as they’re called here. We waited for the kid to turn on the machine and then we just layed into each other. It was actually hilarious and tons of fun. Seriously, just us two on the cars slamming into each other. These didn’t have a steering wheel, but used two handles to control it. I'm pretty familiar with a little video game from the 80's called Battle Tank, so I felt pretty comfortable on these machines.

As you can see in this video, it’s hard to hold a camera and record and also steer a two-handed bumper car with one hand. When you hear D.Rough laughing hard in the middle of the video, this is where I wrapped my leg around the other handle and drove with one hand and one leg. I’m pretty much a bumper car ninja. It was a close win for me (since there really aren’t points), but a win, nonetheless. But technically we will call it a draw since there isn’t a scoring mechanism at all for me to show to her uncle. But we all know who won, don’t we?… I thought so.

Because I was sure D.Rough had whiplash from the pounding I just gave her (seriously, I can’t stop writing things like this), I thought we should slow things down and play some Skee-Ball (we looked it up – that’s how it’s spelled). I was a little too gung-ho about playing and put my first token in the only machine in the row that wasn’t lit up. Broken. And lost a token. Well played, dingleberry! There weren’t any other games worth playing besides Skee-Ball, so we just kept playing until we had enough tickets to get worthless junk. [D.Rough just sent me a message pointing out the fact that her shoes matched the Skee-Ball machine. Hilarious!! It reminds me of the time a group of us went bowling and one of my ghey friends called the bowling alley to ask what color their rental shoes were, so he could be sure to match his outfit to the rental shoes. No it wasn't Coach, but good guess.] I didn’t think it was worth it to keep playing until we had 6500 tickets to get a Vikings jersey (I’m not kidding), so we stopped at 38-ish. D.Rough got some orange rings for her friends and I got a wicked cool skull key chain. With purple jewel eyes for extra evil-iosity. Not the most metal thing in the world, but still, it was that or Laffy Taffys. (I’m totally downplaying the fact that D.Rough handed my ass to me in Skee-Ball AND I had to borrow tickets from her to get the skull keychain – I blame losing an entire game’s worth of tickets because of the broken machine…)

Then I took a ride in a tank.
We took a breather because we knew the next round was going to require significant mental AND physical strength. Laser Tag – pronounced “Tayg” here in Minnesota. When someone mentions laser tag around me, I usually bring up the fact that I won a trophy for my laser tag prowess. In fact, the trophy read, “Most Valuable in the Event of Zombie Apocalypse.” That’s pretty high praise. Here’s some detail on my career in laser tag:
  • I have played laser tag exactly two times – before now
  • I played once at a (clean) bachelor party with PulChevy, Coach, and ChickenLittle… and a group of small children who weren’t with our group. I got yelled at for running and throwing children to the floor (seriously). I hated almost every second of it.
  • I played a second time in Green Bay with a convention of … umm… less-than-athletic socially-inept bloggers (much like myself). I apparently made a name for myself as “that long haired guy” as I doubled and tripled people’s scores. This is where I won the aforementioned trophy.
Here's the trophy, thanks for asking:Yes, the gun is bent on the rifleman intentionally, but the trophy is serious as a heart attack from too much cookie dough...

D.Rough wanted a challenge, so she got it. We suited up and the high school kid boringly told us how the guns and stuff worked. Then I saw D.Rough pull up a bandana over her mouth (I’m NOT kidding one bit! Look at the photo!!!!) ...and went into a giant room full of obstacles and stairs and balconies – just the two of us. For a split second, I HONESTLY thought I might have a shot at a super sweet make out session and then I feel the barrel of a laser tag gun in the side of my neck. The joke is on her! - There weren’t even laser tag sensors on my neck! Hahahahaha. At that point, I knew I was going to have to take her down.

Through my vast experience at laser tag (which I’ll remind you is twice before this), I learned some things (aside from don’t run and don’t push children to the floor by their face when they laugh at you for being a giant target). The first is you have a limited number of shots so keep energizing your gun. The second is you can score major points by storming the other person’s castle and shooting some magic area (totally twss) called the “base” or something. Lesson one, I fully capitalized on – I never ran out of shots and would chuckle when I’d hear D.Rough go “Dang it, I’m out”, right before I unleashed a barrage of red beams into her chest and shoulders (you have NO idea how difficult that was to write in a non-sexual way). Lesson two failed me miserably since I don’t think there was a home base on her side of the room. I spent most of my time over there and never found it. I had to rely on sniper skills alone and play catch up since I dallied trying to find my opponent’s base. And I DID catch up. As you can see by the scoreboard.I was the green side, D.Rough was the red side. Wait, does that mean I won again? It does. What was that, D.Rough’s uncle? She can’t be beat? (actually, she was pretty good at this and I won’t poke fun at all – especially since she’s on… Team SHARK ATTACK!!!)

We still had batting cage tokens!!! We were already sweaty from running around like morons in the dark, so we figured why take a break? D.Rough used to be quite the softball player from what she tells me. I think the idea of swinging some sort of club appealed to her early on, and then when you don’t get to hit PEOPLE with it, it lost its appeal quickly. Then she got also bored with it because you can’t knock people over. That’s when she decided to play Hockey, Rugby, and Roller Derby. Do you sense a pattern here? Be very scared for me.

D.Rough isn’t a direction reader or a rule follower, even if she HAS read the directions. Despite the huge sign on the cage that says “everyone must wear a helmet. NO EXCEPTIONS!”, she grabbed a bat, opened the cage and stepped in – WITHOUT A HELMET. She is pretty awesome, to be honest. She was adjusting the height of pitches until she could crush them and could even aim her shots. I had no idea she was THIS good. And all this without protective gear! (And Punky Brewster shoes.)She made fun of me when it was my turn because I didn’t want to do it. Not only do I loathe baseball, I’m also scared of the ball. Seriously, I’m like George Michael from Arrested development – you throw something at me and I’m ducking. I didn’t want to take future abuse from D.Rough however (it’s amazing how much of a motivator avoiding mocking can be), so I stepped into the cage (and thought to myself, since D.Rough is too young to know what I’m saying out loud, “Two men enter, one man leaves”).

Once I opened up my eyes, it wasn’t quite as bad as I remembered from the one year of little league I played. It also helped when I realized all of the pitches would be within the same general area and I really didn’t have to keep my eye on the ball. I waited until I saw a ball in the machine and wildly swung. The bat did the rest. Baseball still isn’t my sport and never will be, but I had to pat myself on the back for hitting more than three pitches. Clearly, D.Rough won this event as she only let one past her when she was adjusting the height of the pitches. She really is a champion. In fact, she went and hit another round of pitches after I had my go at it.

There you have it, folks. Easily one on the best date nights on record. Tie score for the events, as well: D.Rough-2. Chad-2. Bumper Cars unclaimed.

We left the place and immediately headed to Dairy Queen for tiny blizzards. Thanks for being such an awesome girlfriend, D.Rough.

Top 5 things about Grand Slam Sports
1. Best girlfriend + adventure request = best date night ever
2. Mini-golf. Dur.
3. Bumper cars
4. Skee-Ball
5. Laser Tayg

Bottom 5 things
1. You CAN have birthday parties here. You CANNOT bring alcohol to said parties. But I’m pretty sure you can drink in the parking lot…
2. Arcade room was a little lacking on games for grown ups
3. The snack bar closes earlier than the rest of the place so no Icees were had. Sadface
4. Bowlingo was broken the night we went
5. Apparently, you are NOT allowed to bring piñatas to birthday parties here!