Monday, January 26, 2009

Minnesota Timberwolves vs. New Orleans Hornets – Minneapolis, MN

Gerd and I got some cheap tickets to the Timberwolves game through our school. Otherwise, we wouldn’t have gone, most likely. We both hate basketball, so this wasn’t at the top of our sports priority list. But cheap is cheap, so we went. Gerd did her usual culinary research on the eating opportunities at the Target Center, so we at least knew what out stomachs were getting into.

We got to the game and were sitting in the lower section (which is the expensiver section – yes, I made up that word). But the very last row of the cheap section. The game, I don’t think I could tell you much about, so I’ll let Gerd if she wants to. We spent most of our time in the concourse sampling food. It was a really close game, so we left during the 4th quarter. THAT’s how much we like basketball.

Things we ate: corn dogs, porkchop on a stick, deep fried cheese curds, cokes, beef brisket with BBQ, Irish Nachos, and some funnel cake fries (shown below).

I’ll talk about the highlight and lowlights of the game for me. I couldn’t stop at 5, so I apologize in advance.

Top 5-ish things about the Tmiberwolves game
1) When they make a free throw, there is an audio clip of Mario hitting a coin. That ruled.
2) Gerd liked the Rage Against The Machine intro when they came out onto the floor
3) They had a concession booth with State Fair food – brilliant!
4) Timberwolves dancers – I could make a pun and put them in the “bottom” 5 – har har har
5) Gerd said the song selection in general
6) No lines at the concession stands, since there weren’t that many people
7) Air Crunch and Chomper – you just have to go to experience it.
8) Funnel Cake Fries at the State Fair Booth

Bottom 5 things
1) The simple fact that we went to a basketball game
2) Mike and Ike vendors (seriously) and didn’t get to see Coach drop a fiddy on them
3) Timberwolves dancers are not called Timberbitches
4) Gerd’s lame Underworld comment about the dancers “putting the cans back in Lycans”
5) The guy handing out flyers for other events refused to give the kids a flyer and said, “you don’t have any money any way”. Jerk

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